How can I manually update the firmware version on my Samsung Smart TV?


Your TV channels and other information will not be deleted, but we recommend that you take note of the changes you have made to the settings of your device before performing the firmware update you describe on this page.


To manually update your Samsung device, follow these two easy steps:


1. Download the firmware version from the Samsung website

First you need to manually download the latest firmware version for your specific Samsung device model from the Samsung website. To do this, you will need to find out the specific model of your Samsung device. Click the following link for help finding the model number:


Once you know your device model, click the following link to download your required firmware version:


2. Install the new firmware version on your Samsung Smart TV

VERY IMPORTANT: The file that you've downloaded from the Samsung website is a compressed file with the extension .EXE so you will need a computer with Microsoft Windows operating system (any version) to decompress the file.

  • Run the compressed file you downloaded from Samsung. You will be asked where you want to unzip the file contents and you must select a USB drive (may be any USB device with sufficient capacity)
  • Turn on your Samsung device. Once the file is downloaded and unzipped completely on the USB drive, plug it into your Samsung device using an available USB port. It is very important that you disconnect any other USB devices you have connected to your Samsung.
  • Using your remote control, go to the options menu by pressing the “MENU” button found on the remote. Go to the last tab called “Support” (appears next to a question mark “?” symbol) and select "Software Upgrade"
  • Next, select the “By USB” option. The following message will appear: “Scanning for USB...This may take more than 1 min.”



It is very important that during this process you do not turn off your Samsung device or disconnect the USB drive.


In some cases we have found that some USB drives have problems so that your Samsung device can not find the USB update. In this case, we recommend you use a different USB device. In our experience, we have seen that trying other USB devices work correctly.


Once the updating process is completed, your Samsung device will turn off and turn back on automatically. You have now installed the latest firmware version downloaded from Samsung.


NOTE: In some cases, you may have to go through one more step:

Check the "Software Upgrade" section on your Samsung device (found by pressing “MENU” on your remote control, select the “Support” tab and then “Software Upgrade”). If the "Alternative Software" tab is colored white, click on it. You will see a message that says, "replace XXXXXX XXXXXX version? The system reboots after the replacement." Press accept, and your system now has the latest version of firmware.


How do I know what version of firmware I have installed on my Samsung Smart TV?

To find out what version of firmware is installed on your Samsung device, follow these steps:

  1. Turn on your device.
  2. Click the “MENU” button found on your remote control.
  3. Using the down arrow on your remote control, scroll to the last tab that says, “Support” (next to the question mark “?” icon).
  4. Use the down arrow on your remote to click on the “Contact Samsung” tab.
  5. At the end of the text that appears, you will find the following product information:

    Model code (for example, UE46C9000)

    Software version (for example, T-VAL9DEUC-2003.0)

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