How to watch UHD/4k movies

Compatible UHD/4k Devices

At this moment our UHD/4k content is compatible with:

- Samsung Smart TVs with Tizen OS (year of manufacture 2015, models higher than J6000, and newer) and UHD resolution.

- LG Smart TVs with Web OS (year of manufacture 2016 and newer) and UHD resolution.

- Hisense Smart TVs (from year of manufacture 2018)

- Philips Smart TVs (starting from year of manufacture 2019)

We're working to increase the number of brands compatibles with UHD content.


How to rent or buy a movie in UHD

To rent or buy a movie in UHD you have to do it through a UHD Smart TV, choosing the option UHD on the checkout page. If your device is not compatible with content in UHD, the option for this resolution won't appear.


Can I watch in SD or HD resolution a movie purchased in UHD?

If a movie have the option to be rented or bought in HD or SD, you will be able to watch the movie also in those qualities even if originally was purchased on UHD.


What should be my internet speed to watch movies and TV in UHD quality on Rakuten TV?

We recommend a strong internet connection with minimum 20 Mbps internet speed to enjoy UHD content. If your internet speed is lower, you may face buffering. 


How much should I pay to watch these movies in UHD quality?

The price of the UHD movies varies depending on the title. The specific price is available in the details page of the movie.

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