How does Advertisement affect my Privacy?

Rakuten TV Free is a selection of premium content on the Rakuten TV app, available for you to enjoy free of charge thanks to carefully-selected advertising partners.

Some personal data needs to be used to control the frequency of ads (so that you don’t receive the same commercial messages repeatedly), to tailor messages to your interests and tastes, and to ensure that there are no unlawful systems emulating content and advertising. Additionally, if you give your consent, we may also send your personal data to selected third parties that we work with to offer you more relevant, targeted advertisements for a better experience. You may personalize your preferences regarding third party advertisements in the Privacy Settings area within the Platform. For further information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

We are committed to the highest ethical standards in commercial communication, for the benefit of consumers and business in Europe and beyond as well as our partners. If you wish to know more about this practice or would like to know more about your options, you can visit the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) web-site:

Similarly to other services, Rakuten TV uses various tracking elements within devices in order to retrieve this data, such as Cookies on web. We are committed to transparency on this topic. If you would like greater visibility of different services including advertising Cookies installed in your browser, you can visit: Your Online Choices provides information on how behavioural advertising works, further information about cookies and the steps you can take to protect your privacy online.

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